Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Denver's Art Day on Santa Fe August 1st

So Cherry Creek is not the only art festival in Denver for 2008. Coming at you First Friday, August 1st from 1 pm to 10 pm is Denver's Art Day on Santa Fe. This event is brought to you by The Art District on Santa Fe, NEWSED CDC and SFDRC (the people who bring you Denver's Cinco de Mayo Festival). On two very large blocks between 7 th and 9 th Avenues on Santa Fe Drive there will be plenty to see including the dozens of artists display their most spectacular wares and contemporary works. Don't forget to come for the food, drink and wine pavilion not to mention to chance to win a smart car. There will also be a large live music stage featuring local jazz, funk, salsa and groove bands. Go to www.newsed.org/art.htm to download an event map. Bring yourself, dozens of your friends and have a great time. We'll see you there!
Event Sponsors
Art District on Santa Fe Drive
KUVO Jazz 89
KOOL 105
MIX 100
The Onion Newspaper

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